The battery charge style option lets you select whether or not to display a battery indicator or text for the current battery capacity. Values for this are disable, icon only, text only, and icon with text. See the main display section to see examples of the battery indicator icon and text. Note that when the icon mode is used and the icon will show a charging animation. As the battery depletes the icon will switch from white (100%), then green (less than 100%), then yellow (around 66 %), then red (around 33%) as it reaches critical low levels of charge.

The audio monitor display option selects whether or not to display an audio monitor for the current audio levels. Values are disable, led bar, and full bar.

The show FP/Zebra/Histogram Buttons option will toggle whether or not to show the buttons on the main display for Focus Peak, Zebras, and the Histogram.

The level option will toggle whether or not to show the level indicator. When turned on and level the middle level bar will show as a green bar and when off level will display as white bar. Note that depending on sensor accuracy there may be up to 3% variance (or more for older devices) for the indicator.

The aspects option enables displaying crop mark overlays to help you visual your scene as would in post editing. Values available are disabled, 21:9, 16:10, 16:9, 5:4, 4:3, 2.76:1, 2.59:1, 2.39:1, 2.2:1, 2:1, 1.9:1, 1.85:1, 1:1. Note that when the aspect ratio matches the recording resolutions no overlay will be shown.

The grid option enables the use of grid overlay to help with scene composition. Values available are disable, rule of thirds, center cross, combined, golden ratio, golden ratio inverted, golden ratio mirrored, golden ratio mirrored inverted. Note that this overlay will be scaled to fit within the aspect overlay when it is used.

The histogram option enables the use of a histogram to evaluate scene exposure conditions. Values available are disabled, RGB, luminance, brightness, intensity. Note you can also select the histogram mode through the histogram button on the main display by enabling the show fp/zebra/hisogram option. Note that long pressing the histogram button when the histogram mode is enabled will disable the histogram.

The pre-settings background color option enables you to select the transparency levels of the background while in pre-settings. Values are opaque, semi-opaque, transparent.

The handedness option lets you select a right or left handed user interface.